Formal offer of services for assistance in application process for entrance visa to Russia

03.08.2017, Moscow

1. The offer is addressed to the Customers – legal bodies and private individuals.

2. The contract shall be considered signed for the indefinite period, since the moment of the offer acceptance:

paying for the provided services or

receiving the notification of acceptance by e-mail or on the website.

3.1. Contractor provides the services and Customer pays for them.

3.2. Contractor undertakes to:

3.2.1. Take legal and other actions aimed at obtaining the entry visa to the Russian Federation by the persons indicated in the application. For the purpose of fulfilling the obligation, the Agency, at its own discretion, undertakes all or some of the following actions:

3.2.2. Prepare a packet of documents to turn over to the competent authority (Embassy, Consulate, Federal Migration Service or Visa Application Center of the Russian Federation) based on the information and documents provided by the Customer;

3.2.3. effect necessary payments at the expense of the Customer;

3.2.4. transmit the documents to the competent authorities (Embassy, Consulate, Federal Migration Service or Visa Application Center of the RF) submitted by the Customer;

3.2.5. Receive documents from the competent authorities.

3.2.6 Make the Customer aware of the information provided by the competent authorities on the procedure and timing of the entry visa to the Russian Federation, on the documents required and the terms of their submission. The information is reported orally to the Customer, in visual form by means of demonstration of printed materials, and by including in the text of this contract and its annexes. By signing this contract, the Customer shall confirm receiving the information referred to in this paragraph at the moment of concluding the contract.

3.2.7.   Notify the Customer of the required personal presence of the people indicated in the application at the competent authority.

3.2.8.   Submit a report to the Customer in order and within the deadlines set by the contract

4. Terms of services and cost of services shall be agreed upon by the Customer and the Contractor:

via E-mail info@

On the website

5. Customers pay for the services on a cashless basis.

6. The Contractor and the Customers do not sign the acts. The payment confirms the quality of the service.

7. All necessary documents shall be processed by the Customers themselves and submitted to the Contractor.

8. If the Customers have not submitted the requested documents, the contract suspends its action.

9. E-mail correspondence:

is confidential;

has the force of a simple electronic signature.

10. The Contractor has the right to advertise himself by describing the services on his site.

11. The contractual rights are not negotiable.

12. The pre-trial procedure for the settlement of disputes is obligatory to be held within 30 days.

13. The jurisdiction of the outstanding disputes is the Court of Moscow.



127051, Moscow, Bolshoy Kar. Per. 20, bld. 3

OGRN 1027739019208
INN 7703756026

email: info @ Myvisatorussia Com
tel.+ 7 (495) 132-62-51