Russian visa for Australian citizens

Published by Stanislav July 12, 2017

The presence of visa allows you lawfully visit foreign countries for different purposes. Russian visa for Australian nationals provides an opportunity to make a tourist trip, realize business projects or simply visit your relatives.

How much does the Russian visa cost? Where to start if you want to obtain it? The answers to these questions you can find in the article below.

Russian visa for Australian nationals

To get a Russian visa for Australian you have to observe the procedure of appliance to the consular authorities of the Russian Federation as well as to get an assistance from the Russian party. The key document, which allows you to enter Russia, is an invitation from private persons or organizations.

Before getting a visa you need to define the goals of your trip as it influences directly the procedure of registration. The possible purposes of your visit to Russia may be:

  • Education in Russia (internship, some kind of educational courses)
  • Business contacts and development of cooperative projects in the territory of the Russian Federation
  • Tourist trip to cities and regions of the country
  • Familial visits
  • Employment by contracts with Russian employers

The purpose you choose will determine not only the type of visa but also the type of invitation from the receiving party, duration and procedure of appliance. Moreover, an indication of the purposes of your trip may be the ground for refuse if it doesn’t match with the purposes in the invitation presented.

How to obtain a visa to Russia for Australian citizens? To do it you need to apply to one of the consular authorities of the Russian Federation and provide following documents:

  • Profile with indication of the goals of your trip, terms of stay in Russia and alleged date of the visit
  • Valid passport of Australian national
  • Invitation from the Russian party with indication of particular purpose(s) of the visit
  • Medical insurance valid within terms of your alleged trip
  • Color photos 35mm x 45mm
  • Receipt confirming the payment of consular fees

The Russian visa’s cost for Australian nationals is due to a size of consular fees:

  • In case of fast-track insurance (from 1 to 3 days) – 270 Australian dollars
  • In case of standard timeframe (from 4 to 20 days) – 135 Australian dollars

For a multiple-entry visa the cost will be 401 and 810 Australian dollars respectively. The value of Russian visa may also include the cost of services fees carried out by Visa Centers.

Tourist visa for Australian nationals

If you plan sightseeing or any other kind of activity, you will need a Russian tourist visa for citizens of Australia. By this visa’s conditions, a foreign national can’t apply for a job or study because when getting a permission to enter you also get an obligation to follow purposes of your stay in the country.

Among possible variants of a tourist trip, the migration legislation of the Russian Federation distinguishes:

  • 72-hours tourist program — the only one, which doesn’t require getting an invitation preliminarily
  • Traveling by a tourist voucher that assumes a predetermined route
  • Traveling through country by personal car
  • Business trip/trip on medical purposes

The indicated goals allow you to obtain a visa for a short time (no longer than 30 days). Meanwhile, the actual visa validity in most of the cases matches the period indicated in your invitation.

How to obtain a tourist invitation to Russia for Australian citizens

Getting a Russian tourist visa for Australian national starts from getting tourist invitation. This document should be issued by the receiving party and sent to a tourist as a copy or original. In fact, a tourist invitation is a part of the offers brought by a foreign national.

Get tourist visa
invitation for €19

Such invitation includes two different documents:

  • Tourist voucher as a proof of tourist services provided in the territory of Russia
  • Confirmation of residence as foreigner’s proof of having a place to stay

If you need a tourist invitation, we advise you to apply for help to our specialists. We guarantee the issuance of all the documents required soon after providing information about an applicant. Then you can obtain a Russian visa in consular authorities.

Pay attention! While filling out an applying form you need to indicate the exact information about your trip according to your invitation.

Private visa for Australian citizens

The migration legislation allows opening a Russian visa for Australians who want to visit their relatives. In such case, you’ll be provided with a private visa for a period up to 90 days.

In conditions of such purposes, you have to get an entry permit from a Russian citizen. In some cases, this document can be issued by an institution that implements care or custody of a disabled person.

How to issue private invitation to Russia for Australian nationals?

In order to issue an invitation, the receiving party should apply to the migration service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a proper request. When applying you need to provide the following documents:

  • Passport copies (from Russian and Australian parties)
  • Guaranteed obligation to supply foreigner with a residence to live in as well as medical and material insurance within the whole period of stay
  • Description of the traveling period and the route alleged (no more than 5 cities per one trip)

Above all this, the private person agrees to cover the expenses in case of administration deportation from Russia if the foreigner breaches the conditions of visa regime.

The inspection of documents takes no longer than 14 days. Then an applicant obtains an official form of invitation. After issuance of this document, the citizen of Australia gets legal right to apply to consular authorities for a permission to enter Russia.

In cases of any troubles while issuing private invitation, we recommend you to ask for help from our specialists. We will not only provide you with assistance on each step but also insure obtaining an invitation in shortest terms. Fill out the feedback form or call our consultants and we will choose the most effective way of getting an invitation for you.

Business visa for Australians

What type of visa to Russia do an Australian need if he/she plans doing a business of a global scale that supposes a partnership with Russians? In this case, any business goals start from making business visa. The special characteristic of this process is an opportunity to obtain a long-term visa for a period up to one year. One of the main rules of business visa regime is the restriction of stay – no longer than for 90 days during half a year.

An arrangement of a business visa for Australian requires getting a business invitation from the Russian country. There are different options of obtaining it.

Arrangement of invitation to Russia for an Australian national as a letter

In order to make Russian visa for Australians, Russian receiving party has an opportunity to issue an invitation in its own form (but only if has been preliminarily accredited in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Such an accreditation can be useful when planning regular business contacts with foreign citizens.

The issuance of an invitation as a letter from Russian company can be done within hours, after which an Australian national may legally apply for a permit to enter (to one of the Russian consulates). If you need to obtain an invitation quickly, ask for help from our experts. After getting all the information about purposes and personal data, your invitation will be issued the same day as the application and sent to the Australian national.

Arrangement of business invitation to Russia for Australian national in the form by the Administration of the Federal Migration Service (AFMS)

If planning single or rare trips on business issues, Russian visa may be obtained by a standard procedure as an official invitation through AFMS. To do that the receiving party applies to the Migration Service of MIA and provides an ordinary set of documents including information of purposes, timing and alleged route of the visit.

Get business visa
invitation for €35

After checking the documents provided, the Migration Service issues an official form of a business invitation that is dispatch in the form of a copy (or original copy) to an Australian citizen. With this paper, you can apply to a consulate with a request of getting a visa.

Arrangement of an invitation to Russia for Australians by Telex

Another option of getting an invitation to Russia if obtaining document by special Telex channels of diplomatic connection. In such case, the issuance is carried out by services of the MFA so it can last longer.

The main profit of Telex if a direct sending of documents right to consulate or embassy. The citizen of Australia needs only to apply for a visa providing the package of documents.

Russian work visa for Australians

The peculiar type of permission documentation is a work visa and a permission for a job (for foreign nationals). The specifics of its issuance implies official procedure for Russian employers, observing the rules of quota arrangement and registration in migration authorities.

We will help you get
a Russian 3-year work visa

Issuance of a work invitation to Russian for Australians

Issuance of a work invitation is carried out by Russian organization interested in hiring external specialist from Australia. In order to do it you need:

  • To apply for an invitation (in the quota limits for foreign employees)
  • To send a notice to the regional employment agencies of hiring an external specialist
  • To register in the FMS as an employer than hires external specialist
  • To get a permit to work that allows securing a contract with Australian citizen
  • To apply for a work invitation to local authority of the FMS

Only after going through all these stages the external specialist can lawfully apply to the consulate for a visa.

Work visa is issued for a period up to one year, and then you can prolong it. To do it you need to obtain new work invitation and be re-checked in consular authorities.

Russian consulates in Australia

Diplomatic representation of the Russian Federation in Australia where you can apply for a visa is listed below.

Russian Embassy in Australia

(consular districts: Northern Territory and Capital Territory)

Address: (78 Canberra Avenue, Griffith, ACT 2603, Australia).
Phone number: (8-10-61-2) 6295-90-33.
Fax: (8-10-61-2) 6295-18-47.

Consular Department of the Embassy

Phone number: (8-10-61-2) 6295-94-74.
Fax: (8-10-61-2) 6295-10-01.
Reception hours: From Monday till Friday, 9.00 a.m. — 12.30 p.m.

The Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Sydney

(consular districts: states of Victoria, Western Australia, Sothern Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania)

Address: 7-9 Fullerton Street, Woollahra, NSW 2025
Phone number: (8-10-61-2) 9326-1702 , 9326-1866, 8355-5405, 8355-5404.
Fax: (8-10-61-2) 932-5665.
Reception hours: From Monday till Friday, 9.00 a.m. — 1.00 p.m.

Honorary Consul in Adelaide

Address: 2A McLaren Parade, Port Adelaide, SA 5015
Phone number: (8-10-61-8) 8341-30-81, 8341-13-36.
Fax: (8-10-61-8) 8341-12-11.
Reception hours: Appointment only.

Honorary Consul in Brisbane

Address: 19 Lotus Street, East Brisbane, QLD 5169
Phone number: (8-10-61-7) 3391-34-32, 3391-60-30.
Fax: (8-10-61-7) 3391-34-32, 3391-60-30.
Reception hours: Appointment only.